Translation Beloved of the soul Compassionate Father draw your servant to your will Then Your servant will hurry like a hart to bow before Your majesty To him Your friendship will be sweeter than the dripping of the honeycomb and any taste Majestic, Beautiful Radiance of the Universe my soul pines for your love Please, O God heal her now by showing her the pleasantness of Your radiance Then she will be strengthened and healed and gladness will be hers All-worthy one may Your mercy be aroused and please take pity on the son of Your beloved because it is so very long that I have yearned intensely to see the splendor of Your strength Only these my heart desired so please take pity and do not conceal Yourself Please be revealed and spread upon me my Beloved, the shelter of Your peace Illuminate the world with Your glory that we may rejoice and be glad with You Hasten, show love, for the time has come, and show us grace as in days of old |
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Yedid nefesh av harachamam m'shoch avdecha el r'tzonecha yarutz avdecha k'mo ayal yishtachaveh el mul hadarecha ye'erav lo yedidutecha minofet tzuf v'chol t'am Hadur na'eh ziv ha'olam nafshi cholat ahavatecha ana el na r'fa na lah b'har'ot lah no'am zivecha az tithazek v'titrapeh v'hay'tiah lah simchat olam Vatik yehemu na rachamecha v'chusah na al ben ahuvecha ki zeh kamah nichsof nichsafti lir'ot m'herah b'tiferet uzecha eleh chemdah chemdah libi v'chusah na v'al titalam Higaleh na ufros chavivi alai et sukat sh'lomecha tair eretz mik'vodecha nagilah v'nism'cha bach maher ehov ki va moed v'chanenu kimei olam |