Shalom Alechem

Peace upon you,
O ministering angels
angels of the Exalted One
from the King
who reigns over kings
the Holy One, Blessed is He

May your coming be for peace,
O angels of peace
angels of the Exalted One
from the King
who reigns over kings
the Holy One, Blessed is He

Bless me for peace,
O angels of peace
angels of the Exalted One
from the King
who reigns over kings
the Holy One, Blessed is He

May your departure be to peace,
O angels of peace
angels of the Exalted One
from the king
who reigns over kings
the Holy One, Blessed is He

Shalom alechem
malachei ha sharet
malachei elyon
mi melech
malchei hamlachim
Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu

Boachem l'shalom
malachei ha shalom
malachei elyon
mi melech
malchei hamlachim
Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu

Barchuni l'shalom
malachei ha shalom
malachei elyon
mi melech
malchei hamlachim
Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu

Tzetchem l'shalom
malachei ha shalom
malachei elyon
mi melech
malchei hamlachim
Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu