Translation Contentment and gladnes and light for Yehudim on this day of Sabbath day of delights those who protect and those who remember they bear witness that in six days all was created and still endures The most exalted heaven earth and seas all the legions above high and exalted sea giant and man and mighty beasts that the Creator Hashem, is the Rock of the Universe It is He who spoke to his treasured nation 'Stand guard to hallow it from arrival to departure' the holy Sabbath day of His delight for on it the Almighty rested from all His work Through the mitzvah of Sabbath will the Almighty strengthen you arise! beseech Him that He may rush to fortify you recite 'Nishmat kol Chai 'Soul of all living' and also 'Na'aritzach 'We proclaim Your Strenth eat in gladness for He has already shown you favor With double loaves and the great Kiddush with abundant delicacies and a generous spirit they will merit much good those who take pleasure in it with the redeemer's coming for the life of the World to Come |
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Menucha v'simcha or l'yehudim yom Shabbaton yom machamadim shomrav v'zochrav hemah m'idim ki l'shisha kol bruim v'omdim Sh'mei shamayim eretz v'yamim kol tz'va marom g'vuhim v'ramim tanin v'adam v'chayat r'emim ki b'yah Adonai tzur olamim Hu asher diber l'am segulato shamor l'kadsho mibo'o v'ad tzeto Shabbat kodesh yom chemdato ki vo Shabbat el mikol m'lachto B'mitzvat Shabbat el yachalitzach kum k'ra elav yachish lamtzach nishmat kol chai v'gam na'aritzach echol b'simcha ki chavar ratzach B'mishneh lechem v'kidush rabah b'rov matamim v'ruach n'divah yizku l'rav tuv Hamitangim bah b'viat goel l'chayei ha'olam ha'ba |